The identification of livestock is described in the Animal Identification Regulations under the Animal Health Act (Act 1 of 2011). The identification of livestock is thus compulsory by law.
In accordance with the above mentioned Regulations, only approved identification devices may be used. Such identification devices will be approved on the basis of quality and efficiency. In Namibia, the approved identification device for cattle is a combination of electronic button ear tag and visual flag type ear tag for individual identification. Small stock are identified by means of group identification, using an ear tag bearing the stock brand of the owner. Pigs are identified by means of group identification, using an ear tattoo bearing the stock brand of the owner.
The Regulations also give authority to the Minister of Agriculture to designate a person for the administration and distribution of identification devices. The Livestock and Livestock Products Board of Namibia was appointed as the administrator and distributor of cattle identification tags in Namibia.