The following data must be submitted by the operator of an abattoir to the Livestock and Livestock Products Board of Namibia:


  1. Livestock and Livestock Products Board Producer Registration Form (Form C);

This form must be completed on an annual basis and submitted to the Livestock and Livestock Products Board by end June of each year. Please submit your form to Caroline Katjito together with your abattoir self-declaration form.

Tel no: 061 275 871 Fax no: 061 238 839


Please take note that the abattoir operations must be registered separate from farming operations. In other words, the producer and abattoir will have separate Livestock and Livestock Products Board numbers.

  1. Abattoir Self-declaration form.

This form must be completed on an annual basis and submitted to the Livestock and Livestock Products Board by end June of each year. Please submit your form to Caroline Katjito at the Livestock and Livestock Products Board Meat Standards Division.

Tel no: 061 275 871 Fax no: 061 238 839



  1. Levy Remittance Form;

This form must be submitted on a monthly basis and MUST reach the Livestock and Livestock Products Board by the 7th of each month. Please submit your completed form to Jenny Gouws at the Livestock and Livestock Products Board Finance Division.

Tel no: 061 275 837 Fax no: 061 228 310


After receiving the levy remittance form, Jenny will send you a levy invoice.

Contact Jenny Gouws at the Livestock and Livestock Products Board for the latest Levy Remittance Form

  1. Proof of payment of levies

When you receive your levy invoice, payment must be made and the Proof of payment submitted to the Livestock and Livestock Products Board by the 15th of each month. Please also submit your proof of payment to Jenny Gouws at the Livestock and Livestock Products Board Finance Division. 

  1. Daily Slaughtering Record

This completed form must be submitted by the 7th of each month to the Marketing Department of the Livestock and Livestock Products Board. Please submit your form to Beatrice Katjouanga.

Tel no: 061 275 855 Fax no: 061 306 602
