DVS Circulars Circular V4/2019 - Deadline for Submission of animal health declarations Circular V9/2016 - Transfer of Stock Brand after death of owner Circular V11/2016 - Procurement and distribution of official small stock export eartags DVS Circular V8/2016 - SOP for testing of samples for livestock exports to South Africa Circular - Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (Bse) Risk Analysis and Ongoing Surveillance Programme Circular - Brucella Melitensis Sampling Protocol and Maintenance of Free Status Circular - Forty Day Residency Circular - Revised Procedures for Routine Farm Inspections Industry Acts Animal Health Act1 of 2011 Animal Identification Regulations 2009 Declaration of Restricted Material Animal Health Act 2011 Meat Industry Act Prevention of Undesirable Residue in Meat Act 1991 Amendment Undesirable residue in Meat Act Animal Protection Act Disease Information Documents Bovine Venereal Diseases Foot and Mouth Disease Bovine Tuberculosis Notifiable Animal Disease Posters Livestock Owner and herd Details Livestock Owner and herd Details form 2023 Articles The history of veterinary medicine in Namibia